We are in a new year with the perfect time to turn over a new leaf of your leadership. It is truly head-spinning to see how quickly time goes by. This leaves us all with a choice. The choice to change or to stay the same. In what ways will you turn over a new leaf?
How will you treat yourself and others? What will you do to lift others up at home and at work? Will you make tough decisions you have been putting off? How will you leadership change?
Recently, my husband and I had to make the tough decision to transfer our daughter to a new school that would better meet her needs. She is a junior in high school, and she has some special needs. She is also a new driver, and we wanted her to be closer to home.
Was this a hard decision to make? In some ways, it was, and in some ways, we felt called to make it. Our daughter will be turning over a new leaf in the new year and so will we. With a new school means a new community to embrace. With a new school means a new mindset. With a new school means we all learn new ways of doing things.
Our hope is that she will continue to grow in new and different ways for the last part of her high school experience. Our hope is that she will turn over many new and enlightening leaves that will continue to reveal her purpose and her talents.
We are the leaders in our home. We decided to uplift our daughter and stretch her in the new year. I have no doubt, we will also do the same.
After I reviewed my successes last year, I wondered why my list wasn’t longer. It felt like I accomplished and did a lot! Then, I remembered: I left off all my kids’ accomplishments from that list. Why? As a mother of four kids ages 9-16, I facilitate many of the things they achieve. After remembering this, I realized why I felt like I had done so much. It’s because I helped them along their journey to accomplishments. This move to a new school is just one more thing my husband and I facilitated. It belongs on our list too.
What news leaves will you turn over this year as a leader at home or work? Is there something you left off your list of accomplishments last year that you will now add back on? Please do share.