{Guest post by Jose Gomez, Diversity and Inclusion Expert for over 20 years and Consultant at Customer Fanatix.}
In this current tumultuous time we are facing, it is timely to remind ourselves to support and lead with intentional inclusive leadership behaviors in-and-out of our work places.
This is an opportunity for each of us, as it starts with you individually, to be intentional in practicing, enhancing and in applying inclusive behaviors. Actions such as, empathy and curiosity – to learn about each individual’s story, cognizance – of recognizing and addressing our own biases and blind-spots, and personal commitment – to intentionally practice these behaviors on a daily basis.
You must practice empathy to make sure that you are actively listening and actively connecting with individuals one person at a time. To truly understand their unique individual story, and to understand what each individual is really feeling.
In turbulent times, the foundations – both good and bad – of business leaders and the environments they have created surface through. Leaders who previously invested in building inclusive cultures and positive environments, now have a solid foundation and are better equipped to lead and manage during these challenging times.
And leaders exist at all levels on an organization aside of their official titles and functions. These leaders notice themselves and others rising to the occasion. Inclusive leaders speak in a respectful, caring and fair manner, truly listening to each employee’s/person’s concerns and worries. Thus, being compassionate and inclusive, and continuing to enhance inclusive cultures focused on the individual.
It is the ideal time currently to practice and implement these “muscle-memory” inclusive leadership behaviors to continue to enhance welcoming and flourishing environments for all.
If you need help creating a more inclusive culture, reach out to us. We are happy to help.
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