Worldwide Tragedy
We don’t think any of us have been able to avoid the tragic news of the past week. Our world is suffering from sudden and drastic changes. Namely, we are talking about the Taliban crisis in Afghanistan and the earthquake in Haiti. These two recent events have wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people who are directly affected. I’m sure the rest of the world, people like us, are reeling from the weight that such sorrow can bear.
The general population’s mental health has taken a beating, and this news has surely brought and will continue to bring many people lower. If you’re considering the same thing we are, you’re probably wondering what kind of care would be most effective now. How can we possibly lessen the burden for others and ensure that insensitivity does not occur?
The first step is a call to be more aware. We are talking about self-awareness as well as social awareness. The first step in gaining awareness is education.
We must spend time, if we have not already done so, to learn our own triggers. What is too much for us? What is it that tips us into that downward spiral of negative thought and stress? We must remain as clear and level-headed as we can, even as bad news comes at us again and again. Take what actions you can to seek support. Find someone to talk to, journal, seek spiritual or mental counsel. If you feel yourself getting bogged down, ask for help. It’s times like these that can drive people closer together while ripping them apart in other parts of the world.
In our workplaces, be candid with your teams. Let them know how you are feeling. Encourage them to be open about their well-being. Don’t pretend like these challenging topics and world tragedies are taboo. Speak about them. They might be thousands of miles away, but they affect many Americans as they claim innocent lives in staggering numbers.
Lastly, be considerate of your surroundings. What seems a world away from you could be happening to someone’s loved ones, relatives, culture, or homeland.
Social Awareness
We must also find the right balance because our sole focus cannot be ourselves and our well-being at times like these. We should be the support for others, just as we seek support for ourselves. Education in social awareness means we must face the news. The tragedy befalling millions of human beings is everyone’s business.
As we said before, let this news affect your workplace. Come together with your teams to find a way that your organization can be of assistance. The business can’t stop. So, consider ways that you can work for something greater. Link your business goals to charity donations.
Nevertheless, organizations should offer direct support to these tragedies. Additionally, make sure that employees know they have someone they can speak to.
Gratitude and Giving
The harsh juxtaposition of our country compared to the two that are literally falling apart is shocking. It throws our perspective into a new light. We all have our struggles, and our nation is affected greatly by the two tragedies, but we have the safety and comfort of our homes. It’s times like these that we need to find gratitude.
You might think there hasn’t been much to be thankful for for some time now. We often forget that life itself is something to be grateful for, also, a home, a family, it is simple matters like these that we should hold dear. How blessed are we to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave?
After reflecting and practicing gratitude, we must seek ways to show our gratitude. One of the best and most helpful solutions is through giving. Consider giving at a personal or organizational level. Here are some ways to help Afghans: No One Left Behind, Miry’s List, Doctors without Borders, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Here are some ways to help Haitians: Mama Baby Haiti, Family Missions Company, Haiti 180, Catholic Relief Services.
Thank you, in advance, for showing more care in the midst of these tragedies.